Live Feedback
Latest version : v2.2.1

Live Feedback Work in progress

Inject Live Feedback script and start getting feedback on your website in real time from your developers, designers, and clients.

I want to try it right here!


Follow these simple steps and you will have Live Feedback running on your site.

1 - Add the script in your app

    repo="{your repo name}"
    owner="{repo owner}"

2 - Login

As soon as you add the script to your site a new window will open asking you to login and authorize the app.

Live Feedback relies on Github API Rest. It uses the Github App authentication flow to create a token that allows the app to create issues on your behalf (Live Feedback stores your feedback as Github Issues).

The authentication flow is going to take place in this adhoc server.

You can read here what Live Feedback does the authentication flow

3 - Giving permission

Live Feedback uses Github Issues as database to save your feedback comments. So you will need to give permission to the app to create issues on your behalf in every repo.

If you want to know more about the permissions that Live Feedback needs, you can check



All your data is stored on Github. This app is open source it means that you can check what is happening under the hood.
My wish is to make this app as client-side as possible. Unfortunately, since we are using Github API, we need to generate authentication tokens in the server to create issues on your behalf. The authentication flow is going to take place in this adhoc server.

You can read here what Live Feedback does the authentication flow


Live Feedback does not store any personal information neither any data or content from your site.

Open devtools panel, go to network and you will see every request Live Feedback makes. You can check the data that is being sent to the server and the responses.

You token is stored in your browser cookies. It is used to authenticate the requests to Github API Rest. You can revoke the token at any time by deleting the cookie called GH-LIVE-FEEDBACK-TOKEN


This app is in beta. It means that it can have bugs that can affect the experience. Although I am doing my best to make it stable, I recommend you to test it in a non-production environment.

Your repos are safe

Live Feedback needs to create issues in your repos to store your feedback. It will only create issues in the repos that you give permission to. You can revoke the permissions at any time. Live Feedback permissions are limited to issues (read and write) and pull requests (read).